Saturday, March 26, 2011

Bus-y weekend

Okay so the second major bus adventure was today traveling to Apulo. There weren't any clowns or musicians on this one just food and drink vendors as usual.

The adventure began when I woke up at like 530ish and took a shower and got ready to go to the terminal with Jazmin since her school is close to there and I wanted someone to show me how it worked for the first time. I don't know if I've mentioned the buses from Suchi much but its the same kind of thing and its really quite entertaining. As a bus rolls buy or is stopping to turn around the guy hangs out the front door shouting where they are going like San Salvador San Salvador huey! But its usually really fast and hard to figure out what they are saying unless you are used to it. Like for example Alguilares sounds like Agilare! Algilare! With a hint of an s at the end. Anyways at the terminal you have all those people crowded into a small space so basically they are all shouting their bus and where its going so its quite funny to see everyone trying to get you to go on their bus.

I can't quite explain how they hang out the bus but they have a handle on the bus thats just for them to hang out and hang onto the bus by that handle so yeah its the norm here. They also shake their hand out the door sometimes when they are passing a group of ppl to see if they want this bus to stop. The guy who shouts is like the drivers helper cause he collects the money and tells him when to stop sometimes and this time he bought him food and stuff so I guess they work together most days. I think one day when I'm in Suchi I'm gonna ask the guy going to Alguilares if I can shout out his window when he turns the corner and stuff just to see what people will do when they see me (I think I'm pretty well known in Suchi by now) shouting Algilare Algilare!

Okay so now is the other fun part of the adventure the driving... It started with the Taxi which passed quite a lot of other cars on the way there and honestly they have no fear when it comes to passing cars its pretty crazy. The buses are exactly the same. At one point there was a a giante truck caring sugar cane going up a hill really slow. There were about 7 cars/trucks in between us and the truck but we tried to pass it anyways. We hit a stretch and we passed like 4 cars in one go and then barely made it back. Then we spent like 5 mins looking around the truck to see if there was room to pass. Oh btw the second car behind the truck was another bus going somewhere else but we were determined to pass two other cars, the bus and the truck. Well this is also where the bus driver helper came into play because when we were passing cars he would whistle at them to get over or let us come in if there was a car coming right for us (which there usually was). So one car finally passed the truck and then the other bus passed the truck and we were right on the buses tail so we passed him too. I felt bad because there was a small blue car in between the two buses while we were trying to pass the truck and we were probly 5 feet away from the car on average when we were trying to pass. One time we almost went for it but then backed off and almost hit the blue car on the side but we were like inches from him. Lets just say I will be happy to drive in California but I'm glad I'm not driving here haha. There was one time where we were super close to hitting cars and a few times we passed cars that went to the side a bit and on both sides we probly had about 6inches to 1foot of room on either side of our bus. Overall though it was a great adventure and I really like the buses. Its more of a fun experience than a scary one.

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