Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Siesta Synapse

Well I don't have a whole lot to say today cause I wrote my last one kinda late in the day... I was correct though when I said I would be sore from Soccer practice.  Its really not as bad as I thought it would be though.  Last night was fun and we all took a group picture which was really nice.  I'm glad my teacher came out too cause she got to meet all my american friends and they are going to set up a time to get together so she can practice her English since thats what she is studying at University.   Alex and Val and Margret left today but I got to say goodbye to them which was nice.   Today I think is going to be a very nice day but kinda on the hot side.  There is a breeze though so it should cool off nicely.

Last night I met some backpackers who are here for two nights.  One from Florida and one from Australia.  Both are really cool and the Australian his hilarious.  I made the most hilarious mistake last night that became the running joke of the whole night.  I had thought that the word for butter was burro... (thats what it is in Italian) and so I brought up two packs of popcorn with extra butter to pop in Roberts microwave.  when I brought the first bag out I said this is my favorite snack and and I was explaining it to my teacher in Spanish and I said "Este es (they helped me out with the word for popcorn) y este es la mejoria porque tiene mucho mucho Burro!" haha and everyone was like what? and then I felt really stupid but I was able to laugh at myself for it which was good.
So thats my story of the day which I will probly never live down but whats life without funny and cool stories to tell your kids.... I can't wait to tell my kids how I their mother ( jijiji) I also talked on facebook in spanish for a while with my teacher and others which was fun and I love that instead of using h they use j cause in my head I use  a hard j sound when I read it like  hehe is jiji!

Also in these last few days my spanish has improved dramatically

-Secrest Afuera!

1 comment:

  1. And to think you had the jitters before leaving home. jiji.
