Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bus Experiences!

It's been hard to write recently and I don't really know why. I feel like I don't have much to write about anymore. It might be that I'm very acustomed to living here so nothing really shocks me anymore. The buses are always an adventure but even on those I've kinda seen most of all that could happen.

I really hope someone who likes to write will take up this project but I think you could probly write a book on all the different experiences people have on the buses. Before I get into the interesting people I want to talk about my personal experience and growth with the buses. At first I kinda just waited for the bus and listened to music. Now I tend to have conversations with people I know from the buses or see in Suchi while I wait. Some of my best conversations have occurred on the bus or waiting for the bus. I've also been reading “Sweet Relief” while I wait for the bus too. Its led to many cool conversations where I told people about Marla and what she did. I also have a new favorite bus food that I like to buy. They sell these chocolate covered peanuts that are just a quarter for a good size package. They are my new treat that I like to buy on the bus.

Speaking of people who sell things on the bus.... I have a few favorite experiences I'd like to share about bus vendors. The first bus experience included a clown that told jokes and a blind guy that sang with a guitar. Later I found out that a friend had a clown on the bus one time. He was telling jokes and nobody was laughing so then... he robbed everyone. Yes I know not funny but I thought it was worth mentioning. One of the more recent ones was squeaky toy duck guy. He literally went down the isle squeaking a rubber duck in the ear of every single person. It really made me wonder if that tactic was at all successful. There are also a few vendors that come on the bus and explain what they are selling and give a speech and then see who wants to buy it. They are usually my favorites because usually they have a good reason to buy their stuff. They also tend to have more experience at selling things. Anyways there is one thing they sell that I can't understand why. They go on and on explaining about this book that has all these fun questions and answers. Questions like what is the only animal that lays eggs, how far away is the sun, how far to the center of the earth etc... I must admit they make it sound somewhat interesting but its still just a pamphlet of random facts that won't help you in life.

Aside from funny things they sell the people are hilarious as well. When the buses are really full they still come on the bus and force their way though the people standing in the isles. When I was going to Perkin one time there was a vendor that couldn't move much because it was so crowded yet she still continued to shout “Sandilla Mango! Mango Dulce dos coras” She probly said it 5 times when she was standing right next to me with like a 3 second pause before starting again. My thoughts at this time were “Thanks I don't think anyone in my general area will change their mind about watermelon or Mango. We didn't want it the first time you said it what makes you think the 5th time will work...” This same thought came through my mind another time on my journey. One person came on the bus selling soda, water and juice. When she was a third of the way though the bus another lady came on selling the exact same thing. Instead of leaving to go to another bus she stayed on and tried to sell the same thing people had already bought or said no to 15 seconds before. This has happened with Sodas and Sandilla and mango about three times during my trip. The last interesting vendor was parasite vendor guy... he sold a generic medicine for parasites but his presentation was interesting... Hey had a little chart of all the parasites and he went one by one and told about what each parasite can do and how it can harm you. He also mentioned how you can get it... Basically he made everyone think they have parasites so in a certain sense he did his job. I think a few people bought the medicine but I think many people knew better.

Well thats all the bus adventures I have for now. I'll try to take more pictures and write a little bit more when I get the chance. Tomorrow I play two soccer games so I'm excited for that. And Tonight I'll be talking with all my Quaker Friends at Quarterly meeting! I would say I'm starting to be officially home sick but I'm also still enjoying my time here.  

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