I think very soon I will be actually taking a real siesta because I'm quite tired today. I don't know why but I wasn't speaking very well today or at least something where I kept speaking to my teacher in English without realizing that I was speaking in English and speaking pretty fast too. Today was pretty good otherwise. I went to the bank/ Credit Union and created an account which was good so I'll have money the rest of this trip. I also got some food for lunch that was pretty good although I need to go find some snack foods pretty soon. I'm just tired and I kinda wish that the food would just appear in my Fridgerator instead of having to go out and buy stuff whenever I need it. I'm also having dinner at Franks house tonight with Val and Margret so that will be fun actually. I need to go visit the american volunteers at the Centro De Arte someday its been like 4 days since I've seen them cause they usually just work and then go home in the evenings and I'm in school. Its weird to know I have friends that are like a block away in school but I don't usually go see them after cause I'm tired or they are off work by the time I'm off school.
I can't quite figure it out yet... It might have been just today but lately it feels like my spanish is kinda plateuing and my teacher can't understand some of my questions or phrases. Well she couldn't understand everything I said before either but it feels like it should happen less now but it feels like its happening more than I want it too. I'll try to study my vocab words later so I can remember them more often. I can't figure out which way would be a better way to practice spanish... write in my journal or study my vocab words or just to go out and talk? I think my conversation is okay just I need to know more words so I can understand ppl when they talk to me fast and with words I don't know.
The rest of today I'm gonna go play soccer and maybe get some food for snacks on the way to somewhere but I think right now I might nap a little.
-Secrest afuera!
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