Well today happens to be much busier than yesterday even though quite a lot happened yesterday that I wasn't expecting to at first. First off, I need to go and buy a mosquito net and get a big jug of crystal water for the nights when I get really thristy and don't want to get bit by mosquitos (every night). I'm also going to be on a quest to get a fan in my room. It gets quite hot here some nights and the fan also helps keep the mosquitos away. Its been good to hear from robert that there haven't been many if any cases of malaria in Suchi and that hospital announces whenever there seems to be an outbreak.
After those survival items I'm going to have a lot of fun today! I'm going to play in a soccer game with a local team ( I've already been recruited) and after I think I'll go visit the new people I met who work at the Art center here. If you've been on previous trips you probly remember it being a run down place but its been turned around amazingly and has great art sculptures and even a skate park (well like one or two ramps but still)!
I also should be taking pictures soon and posting them of my place that I'm staying its quite nice. Not to fancy but good. You guys will also be happy to know that I'm going to meeting this Sunday. There are 6 quakers in suchi at the moment for at least the next month I think so thats cool I wasn't expecting to have any quakers here except Robert.
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