Okay well here goes my outreach to you guys about what I've heard and experienced. I need your help! The project I'm working with here in Apulo isn't actually related with the Palo Alto Projects but they still do amazing work. I'm looking for ideas and support (physical and or financial).
So the organization I work for is a group called ADEKOI. Their projects very broad but one of the things they do is host a Saturday class for there 80 students where they keep the teacher student ratio to 5-1 in order to have a space where the kids feel comfortable asking questions. The three families that I'm staying with here all volunteer for ADEKOI. The problems they are facing is that they would like to help more students but they don't have the space or the money to fund more students. Each student in the ADEKOI organization recieves school supplies twice a year. I know it seems like given thing to have school supplies like notebooks, pencils, pens, markers and a ruler but here that kind of extra money in some families really is a stress on the family. During the Saturday class they have started making different art projects with the kids to help recycle newspaper or old bottles (theres a lot of trash here that needs to be recycled or just plain cleaned up) They then have been selling the Art projects to make a little more money to buy all the notebooks and other supplies the kids need every year. For 80+ kids school supplies turns out to be quite a lot.
Anyways so what ADEKOI needs is any sort of help. I see this organization as just starting to take off and with a little help like ideas of art projects to make, donations of extra school supplies, donations of materials for art projects, and possibly grants (no ideas how that works down here but maybe) or other donations I think ADEKOI could really start to be much more productive and sustainable. It has the volunteers to make it work it just needs a little help to get onto its feet. I'm planning on making a donation when I return in June also but what I think ADEKOI is looking for is something that would sell really well that they could be taught how to make just like the phrase you can give a hungry man a fish or you teach him to how to fish and feed him for a lifetime. (or something like that). My point is any and all things will help and I think with a little help ADEKOI could really blossom. They have ideas just not enough income to do it with.
The other ADEKOI projects include building houses for people that were flood victims here in Apulo. Raising money for school supplies for their students and hosting the Saturday class every week to try to give these kids a fighting chance in school where class sizes are sometimes around 40 kids. If you have any ideas of how to teach studying skills that would be great cause they come to the class but a lot of them haven't been trained how to learn well and try they kinda just sit there and copy the board.
Secrest Out!
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