Well today is the end of an era (as they would say in Friends -the show not the religion). I'm done with my spanish classes and this Monday I will move to El Bario where I hope I will live for around two weeks. In the afternoon on Monday I will be observing and seeing the classes and Tuesday I start teaching so lets hope that I can survive that.... ( hopefully elementary kids like me) The task that is staring me down at the moment is Laundry and just like at home I avoid it as much as possible without smelling. I've seriously heard that the Salvadorans say that we smell bad cause we don't shower three times a day oddly enough.
Todays classes were pretty fun. Mostly pretty chill. We watched my Spanish video and el fuerza de amor too cause it was on Facebook. I'm going to try to upload my video to some site if I can but I don't think I can at the moment. Everyone really enjoyed it with the little parts they saw when they weren't teaching. Then we talked about this crazy movie we watched yesterday about the war. It was based on a true story about kids who were taken from their homes at age 12 to be trained as soldados. Its a long sad story where many people die including the main characters girlfriend, best friends, and almost himself. Basically its really quite sad because it shows how both sides were wrong to be fighting the war. It wasn't just one side both sides were being stupid which really was surprising to me cause when you read or hear about it its usually one side was much better than the other side. Then after those questions I gave my presentation and actually taught estefani about reading music a bit which was kinda cool I thought. I had biology planned but then I skipped it cause I ran out of time and talked about California geography some. Then I took my final exam which went well but I honestly wasn't that excited about taking it cause its easy to just fill in the blanks and conjugate the right words when they tell you what form. Its much harder to think on the fly and use the tenses correctly which is what I struggle with.
After that I went to visit El Bario. I think I'll be happy there but I noticed I really don't talk a whole lot when I'm with Robert cause he just talks about me instead of to me which if I were going to be talking I would be saying what he is saying so many times I don't have much to say so I just listen. Sometimes I also get caught up day dreaming ( its the same in English especially school no offense Dominguez, Dave and others.) Over all I really enjoyed my visit. I'm a bit worried about what moving around so much in the next month will do to me but I'm sure it will work itself out. My biggest problem is when I'm tired its almost impossible to understand people. I can talk well most of the time but I just really get tired of asking over and over again what did you say? I will admit that I've been known to just nod and say yes ( which isn't a good habit ninos). My team plays tomorrow at 9 am at the chacra so I'm excited to show off my skills. I need to work on my handspring later so I can actually do it legally again like I was doing at the end of last soccer season. At the moment my feet hit but I don't exactly land on them.
The Danes have been playing soccer with us recently and Boris and I have been dominant in Basketball (pretty much unstoppable). I even found a new adventure buddy who is Norwegian which has been fun cause its much more fun to explore and have someone to talk to...
Word of the day romper- to break monstrar-to show ya-already
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